What is a VOC?
The Work Health and Safety (General) Regulations 2022, define a “competent person” as “a person
who has acquired through training, qualification or experience the knowledge and skills to carry out
the task”. If you require a VOC in Perth contact us today.
Competencies serve as the basis for skill standards that specify the level of knowledge, skills and
abilities required to safely and successfully complete a task as well as the measurement criteria
for assessing the competency.
Competency is a measure of both proven knowledge and proven skills.
How to get your VOC in Perth competency assessed or verified?
Competency assessment is the formal process of collecting evidence of the competencies
(knowledge and skills) a worker has developed and achieved through:
• A structured learning environment;
• On the job training;
• Third party provided training; or
• Other relevant workplace experience.
Verification of Competency should be evidence based and verified.
Content of a Verification of Competency (VOC Perth).
Your VOC in Perth is generally made up of two sections.
A theory (knowledge) assessment
A practical (skills) assessment
Theoretical knowledge is normally assessed in a training room (office, lunch room or similar) but may also be conducted on the job, such as through documented verbal questioning.
Note: The documented verbal assessment method may be required for those with language and literacy issues such as a person with English as a Second Language (ESL).
The theoretical component of the VOC in Perth is generally developed from a procedure or manual and is designed to ensure that the worker has read and understood the requirements of the procedure or manual.
The practical skills assessment is usually conducted on the job by a person that has been deemed competent in the task being assessed and is designed to ensure that the worker performs the task in the manner set out in the procedure or manual.
Review of Verification of Competencies.
Verification of Competencies should be reviewed on a periodic basis, e.g. every 2 years,
depending upon the level of risk, to ensure that the competency assessment remains current and
appropriate. In addition, should an incident occur that relates to the Verification of Competency
then a review of the assessment along with the relevant Safe Operating Procedure shall also be
required as part of the incident investigation.
If a Verification of Competency describes a task or process that is no longer required to be
followed, then the Verification of Competency should immediately be withdrawn and archived.